Construction of the education belt

13.04.2019 21:12

Construction of the education belt.

The education belt is a ripe which is worn around the body of the wearer and is closed at the front side with a locking system and the appendant lock.  It can be ordered in three different waist band forms.

1. as basic waist band
That means that the ripe goes straight around the body.

2. as ergonomic waist band
This waist band has two curves at the sides, so called wings, and they correlate to the natural form of the wearer.

3. as super ergonomic waist band
The wings, as described in the ergonomic waist band, are advanced and formed to the outside. Especially for woman who have a small waist and a wide pelvis is this form perfectly because it comes the closest to the female human body.
You can see on the next picture how the ergonomic waist band (education belt) is equipped with the locking system and two D-rings.

In the following picture you can also see in detail the D-ring, which we fit on each side of the educational volume. The D-ring is hinged and can be opened and folded up again for educational purposes. In the D-ring holder - in the joint - there is a plastic fabric bushing which holds the D-ring in the respective position and prevents noise.

Hinweis / Note