Dildo made of stainless steel to screw in the active step belt (wire)

13.04.2019 20:37

Dildo made ​​of stainless steel to screw in the active step belt (wire)

The stainless steel dildo consists out of a shaft which is included to the lower end. To this shaft the respective balls are screwed into the different diameters. The balls can be chosen freely by our customers. With a stainless steel dildo you can choose different diameters of the balls: 15, 20, 25, 30 und 40 mm. Furthermore, you can also choose the order of stainless steel balls. Later, however, the order of the balls cannot be changed, because the last ball has a blind hole and forms the end of the dildo.

On the shaft there is a solid round steel which is attached to it, like a corkscrew. Above that, there is a movable metal protect-cover which is screwed to the active step belt (wire). Therefore it slides down and protects the carrier. Now the dildo can slide freely on the steel-cable in order to follow every conceivable movement. The decrease of the dildo is just as easy as adapting it.

In the next picture you can see how the protect-cover of the dildo is put down in order to protect the stainless steel dildo.

Hinweis / Note