The anal shield will manufacture by stainless steel and will be locked with a lock-system (a brand lock with two pins). The shield has an hole, where you can catch and lock a Vibrator in this category.
Gold plating: We offer you the anal locking system in a 24 carat complete gold plating. You can choose it in the selection. The 24 carat gold plating is a hard gold plating, which is optimal to prevent a fast wear. The anal locking system is then covered with a layer of gold in a coating process, which is highly polished.
Please notice:
The anal shield is only for chastity belts with continous crotch bands.
If you like an D-Ring in the crotch at the Chastity belt, so it's not possible to use this kind of Lock shield for this dildo/plug.
The using of this kind of lock shield in the chastity belt UNtouchABLE is depends on the measures in the step.
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