How is the procedure with the measurement in your showroom at My-Steel?

12.04.2019 17:10

Our customers have the opportunity to make an appointment with us and we take the measurements from you. You might ask yourself how the procedure is and what will you expect and who will take the measurements. We want to descripe you how it all works and what you will expect.

If we made the appointment you took your first step to getting your own chastity belt. After your long trip to us you arrive at your house and ring the bell, which is labelled with My-Steel, Mrs. Möbus will open up the door and welcomes you with a smile. Now you will enter and take off your clothes (just your jacket, don’t worry) and we will enter the showroom upstairs. You will see our samples in the showcases. After we sat down you can get a cup of coffee or a glas of water. Mrs. Möbus will show you some of our samples and explain it to you. If you have any questions we will discuss them there. Trying on is an obilgation! Because only if you try it on you will get an idea how it is. If you have already decided which product you want we can get to taking the measurements.

Now it’s time to take off your trousers, skirt or else and of yourse you have to take off your underwear. You will stand nude infront of Mrs. Möbus and she will put a leather belt around you and is so taking your measurements. This will take about 15 to 20 minutes (taking the measurements). Please calculate an hour or two for the whole consultation. After we are done taking the measurements you can put on your clothes and if you want we will drink another cup of coffee while answering open questions. Mrs. Möbus will talk you through the order just to make sure that there are no missunderstandings. At the end of our consultation Mrs. Möbus will bring you to the door and saying goodbye. You see, it’s not that scary.

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