Different positions of the D-rings at the chastity belt

13.04.2019 18:29

Different positions of the D-rings at the chastity belt.

You can choose where and how many D-rings you want at your future chastity belt. There is no limit with the amount of rings. If you want for example six D-rings at your waist band you just let us know. We’re going to put these six D-rings at the exact position that you want. The D-rings are weld to the batch of the curved wire so they can’t be removed afterwards. “Plastic  bush’s” are included so the D-rings don’t clatter and you can still fold them.

As seen on the following pictures there are three D-rings weld at the hip band of the chastity belt. The D-rings are clearly foldable.

If you don’t use the D-ring just fold them so you can wear the chastity belt in a comfortable position underneath your clothes. The D-rings are only less millimeters away from the hip band and are no distraction for you.